A little bit about me
My name is Amy Louise Eacott.
I am creating the best version of myself every day
I offer :
Massage Therapy
including deep tissue, relaxation, pregnancy, trigger point, and myofascial release
As individual session or linked with massage. I will also be opening up spots to teach Level 1 & 2 in the next few weeks
1:1 customised yoga session with assisted stretches
Body awareness and Myofascial release techniques
1:1 helping you to create a deeper understanding and connection with your body through movement, stability and self massage
Breath and Meditation
1:1 coaching on how to create a deeper connection to self through ways of the breath, calming your mind and set you up with tools to help assist and guide you along your journey.
I am based in beautiful Wanaka in New Zealand.
Originally from the UK, I fell in love with NZ on landing and knew this would be my home
I look forward to creating this space for you and for me to show up as our authentic selves. No judgment. Just love light and kindness
I am grateful for you
Love and light
~ A x